Kamis, 26 Maret 2015

Tense, Subject, Verb, Compliment, Modifier, dan Phrase

1)    5 Contoh Kalimat Tenses

Ø Present Tense: He plays soccer every evening
Ø Present Continuous Tense: I am eating a sandwich
Ø Past Tense: I danced with Adam last night
Ø Past Perfect Tense: Hanita and Eji had cleaned the hotel room before the guest came
Ø Future Continous Tense: Adam and I will be watching movie tonight

2)    Contoh kalimat yang mengandung subject, verb, compliment, dan modifier
·        Maria should have bought the groceries yesterday

3)    Kalimat yang mengandung Phrase

·        Ingrid went to the caffe for some coffees