Minggu, 22 April 2012


Command adalah ( perintah) ,misalnya: ordered,commanded dan sebagainya yang berarti menyuruh atau memerintahkan dan biasanya diakhiri oleh tanda seru dibelakang kalimatnya, sedangakan Request adalah (permohonan), misalnya: asked yang artinya meminta atau memohon.

Contoh Command:
1.      Go to bed!
2.      Get out of here now!
3.      Don’t eat that food!
4.      Be good to her!
5.      Don’t stare at me!
6.      Don’t be a spoilsport!
7.      Be careful!
8.      Be smart!
9.      Don’t be lazy
10.  Dont’t be careless

Contoh Request:
1.      Could you help me?
2.      Please come to my house.
3.      He asked his friend to please come to his house.
4.      Could you buy some eggs?
5.      Could you help me to clean the room?
6.      Could you  bring my book ?
7.      Please take me home.
8.      Could you pick me up at 7pm?
9.      Don’t buy any chips please,that’s not healthy.
10.  She asked her friend to come to her birthday party.

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